What does it mean to YOU to Live Like JESUS?
4 10 2006In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus told his disciples to go and make more disciples… teaching them everything He had commanded.
To be a disciple means to be a pupil or a student but probably not in the way you or I might initially think. Students of Jesus were not sitting in a classroom with pen and paper or jumping on the internet to look up the square root of some crazy number. Students of Jesus where taught by following Jesus’ every move… a disciple in ancient times learned by mirroring their life after the life of their teacher. When Jesus called these men to go… He called them to teach others what they had learned. He called them to be real life examples of Jesus’ teachings to others. He called them to bring Heaven to Earth by teaching others to live the example He gave us to live. So, what does it mean to be a follower of Christ… not 2000+ years ago but today! Is it doing your part and going to church for an hour on Sunday? Is it dropping your 10% in the tithing bucket? Is it trying to be a “good person” by just refraining from being bad? Is there something more?
How can we live out our faith and become real and relevant examples of Christ in our schools, our communities, our workplaces and homes? Share some real world examples of what it means to you, in your pursuit to live like Jesus.
Click the “comments” link to share your thoughts or email your thoughts to info@livelikejesus.com
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My idea of living like Jesus would be to live a life of love and to share that love.When giving it always returns back to you.To turn the other cheek,which is a very hard thing to do.To welcome a new face in church.To offer your seat to an elderly person or a stranger.To give to world missions,after all we know that Jesus’s heart is in missions.To love our neighbor as our self.To give 110 % on the job because we are working for the Lord.To share the gospel with someone.To pray without ceasing.To cry with a sister or brother when they are hurting and truly pray for them.To love and love some more.I could go on and on about what it would be to be like Jesus but I think the best comment would be the perfect spotless Lamb of God.Praise Jesus of Nazereth!
I think to live like Jesus means to meet people where they are. In my opinion, before you can tell people about the theology of God and Jesus they need to have their basic needs met. They need to know that God loves them and that Jesus died for them, but if they are starving, naked and living on the streets that fact isn’t going to mean much to them at that moment. I don’t mean that we are to feed everybody we see, because that isn’t physically possible but people need to know they are loved. I think that if we as a body of Christ focus on the person and love him or her as Jesus commanded “love your neighbor as yourself” then it becomes evident that we care about them and then the door to tell them about Christ is opened. (That is the long version of what I think. Thanks for reading.)
As for me I really dont think we can live like JESUS with our own effort.Living like JESUS simply means to letting JESUS live through us.
To live like Jesus to me first and foremost means to commit your life to God fully by accepting Him and confessing that Jesus is Lord of your life. After this, you have to die to yourself and let Jesus live through you.
I’d have to agree with Martin but add to it. I think, while we may not be able to become Jesus, to become more like Jesus (as he walked on earth) is the goal. Not like us trying to become God but like us letting God live through us by how we act, the choices we make and how we treat others. I struggle with this all the time. Getting out of my own way and letting God guide. Sometimes I push to hard or make it all about myself. I find myself often upset or stressed over silly things. I just want to do more good.
I utterly agree with Martin (and Mark). All we have to do is to fully live our “yes” to God like Mary and Jesus himself did. It will require no effort at all (or the effort of making no effort, which is sometimes difficult). All we have to do is open the door of our heart to Him as He calls and let Him in. Let Him be the Lord of our whole being. The love we feel will be Jesus himself loving in us. There is no joy comparable to this. A dialogue will become a “trialogue”, Jesus being there all the time, listening and having us listen to Him as He talks to us through His Holy Spirit. This is felt as a glimpse of Heaven on Earth. May the Holy Spirit be in us as we feel, think, speak and act. Only thus will it be possible for us to live like Jesus. But we have to want it as our greatest desire.
Thank you sir that you have given me a chance to give comments. live like Jesus means to have Jesus in us and live a life as He want us to be.
thank you.
To live a spirit -filled life -humble life devoid of all the things of the flesh .Our song says I want to be like Jesus in humilility No one has ever heard any word of bitterness from Him . To live a life that the devil would approach but could not find anything. He said the prince of this world comes but could not find anything in Him. No sin in Jesus. With this state He can come to take us home when the market of this world is over - in the evenning
May He grant us the Grace Amen.
to live like jesus is TOTAL SURRENDER TO THE WILL OF THE FATHER,To live like Jesus is to be Fully directed daily by the Holy Spirit in all Things
To live like Jesus is to Die to Self Existence and LIVE FOR THE GOOD OF OTHERS EXSTIMING OTHERS BETTER THAN YOU Daily learning Humility,to live like Jesus is to Give all and not expecting finally to live like Jesus i TOTAL,CONSTANT Commitment to the things of God . this is achievable
For me to live like Jesus means to put on his mind, to assume his attitudes in my day to day life, to cultivate relationships with people, no matter who they are, that are worthy of dignity, honour and respect. To do this I must know him more and more, surrender my life to Him and allow him to take complete control of my life, then I can say with Paul: “It is no longer I who live, but Christ that lives in me.”
Firstly, You should receive Jesus as your Lord and personal savior as it is written in the book of John 1:12, that is to be born again John 3:3.
- You need to believe in Jesus so as to be successiful Mark 16:17-18.
- You should be Spirit filled person so as to understand what Jesus needs for you to do.
Without being guided by the Holy Spirit we can not manage to live like Jesus. I am sure that this is the basis for a person to live like Jesus.
Thanks so much, this is what I had on this.
May God bless as you go on updating all information concerning living like Jesus.
Good day livelikeJesus, I thank God for people like you guys that
are spreading the good news; God bless you guys plenty. Now to
the main issue of this write up. To live like Jesus I found out from
first hand experience that we have to be filled with the love of
Christ. Without it we are nothing, useless to the world, useless
to God. But glory to Jesus who is pouring is love into our heart,
all we need do is receive and share, the world needs it; what a
great impact we xtians will make if write this truth on the tablet
of our heart. Love overcomes all things, love can not fail, Jesus
Is love [personified]. I had an experience at my work place some
time ago, there was this lady that wanted me at all cost, when I
didn’t respond she resolved to picking quarrels with me. One day
while she was trying to set me up for another round of quarrel
I looked her right in the eyes and told her; I don’t have any
thing against you and I will never have anything against you, you
are like a sister to me and I love you. Her eye lashes came down
as she breathed a breath of, “hmmmmmm what am I doing?” That was
it, we became very good friends. In my present place of work I
have used it several times and it works. With love on my inside
looking for ground to conquer, Jesus is glorified and the devil
tremble-flee if you get my drift. Ciao.
I would like to add that the perfect example of living like Jesus is the awesome testimony that the omish people are exhibiting right now in the wake of the awful gruesome murder that just occured. I do not know if one of those family members were my own,if I could be as forgiving as the omish people have been and so soon after.This is a true testimony to me and others. I believe they are truly living as Jesus would.I just hope and pray that I can do that as well.In a sense I already have but it took me years to go on after my own sister’s murder. I have forgiven her killers and this was not easy.My father asked me one day upon his parole release how I felt about it? I said that I did not know if he was born again or not and if he is, than I must forgive.I say he because the other person got off by turning state’s evidence on the other.By forgiving we release ourselves from the bondage and it is enough that a precious life has been taken so we do not need to lose our lives as well.I feel this is a true act of living like Jesus!
I think that living like Jesus is a constant struggle. it sounds negative, but no one can deny that it is truly difficult to put our lives totally in God’s hands. living like Jesus is surrenedering our will to God each day, each hour, each minute, each second…every moment. and we surrender by loving. when people are cruel to us, we love by not returning their cruelty but by keeping a straight face or by smiling. when someone is in need, we don’t think about the hassle of helping, but the joy of helping….
As a human being it is impossible to live like Jesus, but if anyone wish to live like Jesus, he will definitely help us. The only thing is we should try to live like Jesus. The holy sprit will lead us to go good things in our life and to get away from doing sins
I believe to live like Jesus means for me to loose myself and gain HIM! I don’t mean to copy anyone of the above comments but they are all correct in most of the sense- It is by far the most difficult task I have taken on. It is only with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit that I am able to resist areas that I used to walk in. There are days that my human-ness gets in the way of Gods will for me and i pay heavily for this when i allow it to happen!
To “LiveLikeJesus” for me, means to be as good a person as I can possibly be. It means to live my life by the “golden rule”, to love and respect myself and others, to encourage, help, and assist other people whenever possible. To make an honest effort to attend church for one hour every week. To
always keep the line of communication open to the Lord. I always need to be grateful and humble to the Lord for what He has and continues to give or do for me every day of my life. This is only a sample of what “livinglikeJesus” means to me. Thank you and God bless each and every one of us.
to me jesus is everything .. he has fulfilled every dream of mine…. brought me from grace to glory .. i want to truly reflect hid light where ever i go .. even though it has at times.. through GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE . I truly believe this scripture ,, cause i experience it inmy daily life .. i love jesus very much .. cause he means everything to me . . trust in the Lord with all ur heart and lean not on your own undersatanding . in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path
to me Jesus is the first person in my life i really love him with all all my heart he gifted me with so so so so so so so many things only today i got money which was Rs . 250..( indian currency ).. i am 9 years old i really love him with all my heart
Living like jesus is a total surrender of our own way and doing things God’s way and consulting him in each and every aspect of our lives and in every day praying to our god for direction and protection.It is daily coming to our cross and allowing the precious holy spirit to work through us.It is kindness and love.It is compassion and empathy.It is tenderness and strength.If anyone gets a chance,next weekend there is a movie coming out and it pretty much is playing in areas where people have commited to 1000 tickets.The movie is One Night With The King.It is the story of Esther in the bible.You can learn more about it by going to TBN.com and clicking on the link at the bottom for this movie.I sooo want to see this but I do not believe it is playing in my area.If it is playing in your area than please go and see it.I know you will be blessed.Take an unbeliever too! What a witnessing tool!God Bless each and everyone for God has raised us up for such a time as this!
To me, to live like Jesus means first to be myself and live my life, to take on my duties, in my life as they arise and to do so in good faith, as Jesus lived his life and took on his duties.
So wherever I am and whatever I am faced with, no matter how big or how small it may seem or how hard or easy, to follow Jesus is to follow his example of what being a perfect human is; and to do so as best I can regardless of how my actions might make me appear in the world or whether I gain or lose. It also means to recognize that I will always fall short but that I should keep on going anyway.
Somewhere in the bible when asked a question Jesus answered that love is the greatest commandment. I try to use this and his example of humble self sacrifice as guiding lights to keep me on the right path.
To me it also means to teach by word and deed and pass on to others what it means to follow Jesus and to encourage others to follow him.
I think that living like Jesus means that I have to change a lot of things in my life.
First, I would have to stop reading books, because knowledge is the Number 1 enemy of God.
Secondly, I would have to stop thinking altogether, because to worship God I have to be a moron, incapable of any kind of analytical processes in my mind.
Thirdly, I would probably have to quit my job, because Jesus was a filthy hobo that loved to leech off of everyone around him that was stupid enough to fall for his act.
And I suppose the most important thing I would have to change is the manner in which I raise my children, because teaching them things like language, philosophy, art, music, and ethics like courage or integrity or an appreciation of the concept of Truth are absolutely evil, because they represent everything that God is not.
So, in conclusion, to live like Jesus is to be a dogmatic, cowardly, servile and pathetic ignoramous.
It is really very hard to live like Jesus in this world where everyone try to out do others in whatever way they can think of. And those who try to live a life according to scriptures, survival is too difficult. You do not get things in time when u need them and deserve it whereas you find a less gifted persons than u gets all they do not deserve. You can see things like this in front of your eyes and try to console yourselves saying may be they are lucky this time, but when the same things happen everytime what is there is console yourselves with but just to loose faith in your ability and become a slave to inferiority complex?
Next day you get up and think of all positive things in life God had done to you, that u had a good family life, a loving husband, children who are good and say thanks to God and do good to those less privileged than u.
Augustus, I disagree with you on your four points. In my opinion they seem written specifically to express disrespect toward the Christian faith and the people who share that faith - that is a truth as I see it.
I have to ask, who or what do you look toward for guidance in your life? How do you deal with mystery and what you don’t know? (I assume that like me you don’t know everything).
You mention philosophy, art, music, and ethics. It sounds like you have faith in certain concepts you have of courage or integrity or truth. What makes your faith in these concepts valid and what specifically is that faith based on? Who best serves as an example of these truths for you? What is your basis for believing in these examples?
You have attacked the Christian faith with your words and I can hear that attack without it disturbing my faith. I believe that you should have the courage and integrity now to explain the vague concepts you expressed and that you seem to defend in lieu of the Christian faith as it is certainly not clear to me what you are defending.
AUGUSTUS we are not here to judge you because of your comments.Only God has the authority to judge.But I’d like to encourage you to come to Jesus Christ.
you said living like Jesus requires quitting of reading books.YOU ARE RIGHT BUT YOU DONT KNOW THAT ALL THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD EXISTS IN ONE SINGLE BOOK AND THAT IS BIBLE.you also said that it requires to quit thinking.BUT GOD DID NOT SAY IT.JESUS SAID “LOVE YOUR GOD WITH ALL OF YOUR MIND,HEART AND SOUL”.
Martin, I agree with you on some of your points. I can’t say that I agree with you on all your points, (I am thinking mostly of your point about reading books) but I think your heart is in the right place and that is what is important.
To All Concerned,
I had absolutely no expectations of the above comment seeing the light of day. I assumed that the website would automatically discard such inflammatory rhetoric, and so I had no idea I would actually recieve comments on my comment. I have already disclosed to Daniel from livelikejesus.com my reasons for the comment and I believe it sufficient to herein thank him again for his open-mindedness and fair-handed dealings.
Firstly, I respond to Martin, because his comment was shorter than Jim’s and much less argumentative. The Bible, as a whole, is flawed. There are countless contradictions, not only internally, but also in scientific terms- the dichotomy between religious morality and human nature, the logic behind the entire concept of God, et cetera. Therefore, to say “all the knowledge of God exists in one book and that is the Bible” means absolutely nothing to a person of sound and rational mind, except to say that God is a terribly confused entity.
And as for the comment on Jesus wanting us to work, one need only point out the verse in which we are told never to fear for the morrow, nor to worry about clothing or food like the pagans, because if God takes care of the ravens in the field, how much more will he take care of us, his own children. We are told time and time again in the New Testament to disregard earthly belongings and to eradicate all earthly passions, and this apparently includes the instinct to self-preservation.
And now I shall respond to Jim. You are absolutely right in pointing out that the comment was “written specifically to express disrespect toward the Christian faith and the people who share that faith”. That was the entire point of the comment. You are also correct in assuming that like yourself, I do not know everything.
To whom do I look for guidance? I shun to mention specific persons, but I would certainly look to those well versed in science and philosophy. I myself am a “religionist” of sorts and understand that science cannot explain away everything. But to foreclose all investigation and clasp my hands in my lap saying “Oh, well it must be God” is absolutely unacceptable. To use the concept of God as the ultimate fallback for every mystery, is deplorable. When humanity was ignorant of the orbit of the earth around the sun, we assumed that God made the sun rise in the east and set in the west, and anyone who did not believe so was burned at the stake. We can say that the same is true today, only let us change the belief structure and the punishment: Today, if one believes that morality and law derive from nature and not from God, one is outcast by a Christian society.
And yes, I suppose one could say I have “faith” in my concepts of courage and integrity. For instance, my favorite philosopher once wrote that even if God were proved to be real, we would still not worship him. That is courage, to stand up to injustice even in the face of eternal damnation. And so far as integrity is concerned, let us recognize the Church as being built on Peter, a man who was so cowardly he denied his own Savior three times. Or Jesus himself who refused to answer the High Preist or Pontius Pilate at his trial and sentencing.
You are also correct in pointing out that I have not presented any “substitute” for Christianity, and that I have not made it clear as to what I was defending. This is because I made no point of defending any cause or “Truth”- I merely set out to oppose Christianity. To substitute morphine for heroin, Christ for Allah or Buddha, helps no one. If I am defending anything at all it is the inalienable right to every man, woman, and child to be free from ignorance and to be free to make their own decisions, especially when that concerns morality and/or religion.
I honestly thank you all very much for your thoughtful responses.
JESUS was not like any other common place philosopher or any other religion head. HE WAS GOD IN HUMAN FLESH.And HE is going to return someday to judge this world.
why not give HIM a try once HE will change your world upside down.
I hope you respond positively.
Augustus, when I first read what you wrote i was shocked and wondered why you would even go on a site like this, knowing what you believe. (from what you have written.) But after thinking about it for awhile, I would like to thank you. Not because I agree with you because i don’t, but thank you for expressing your views because i know that you are not the only one out in the world who thinks like this. ( I hope that didn’t sound rude). I think that even though it may make people uncomfortable people need to be aware of the thoughts and beliefs of others. I am thankful that you felt comfortable enough to express yourself on this site, and even though I hope and pray that one day you will feel differently about God and Jesus, if you can’t express yourself here then it is truly sad. I hope you meet someone who will challenge your views on Jesus and will cause you to think about things differently, but until then I hope to hear from you again.
I would like to quote from “NEW TESTAMENT HOLINESS” by Thomas Cook, Chapter 12, pages 27 & 28,
“We offer our bodies to God a “living sacrifice,” when in all the common actions of life we act with
supreme regard for, and distinct reference to, God and His will concerning us; when, with all the
sacredness with which a Jew regarded the animals laid on the brazen altar, we regard ourselves as
belonging to God. Henceforth we exist to work out God’s purposes. “Sacred to Jesus” is inscribed
upon all that we possess, and all is kept sacredly for the Master’s use. We then practically recognize,
in everyday life, God’s absolute proprietorship of body, soul and spirit, and whether we eat or drink
or whatever we do, we do all to the glory of God. We resolve that Christ shall lead us, plan for us, and have His way with us in everything, in a word, that Christ shall possess our whole being and reign supreme. The idea is that our whole life is to be sacred — there is to be nothing secular in it. What
cannot be done for the glory of God is not to be done at all; and what is done in every matter, from
the least to the greatest, we are to do “unto Him.” The bells that jingle on the horses of the wagoner’s
team are to bear the same inscription as is blazoned on the High Priest’s miter, “Holiness unto the Lord;” and the shop-girl behind the counter may offer as acceptable an offering to God as the priest
by the altar. That is the true sacrifice when we think as in His sight, and will, and love, and act always in obedience to Him.
Some say, “Give us the morality of the New Testament, never mind about the theology.” But the
apostle devotes the first eight chapters of his Epistle (Romans) to building up the doctrinal structure of the Christian faith tier after tier, before he attempts any exhortation to Christian duty. He would teach us by this that all the practical is to be built upon the doctrinal; that, as Dr. Maclaren says, “You cannot get morality without theology, unless you would like to have rootless flowers and lamps without oil.” Practical holiness is not something that begins by doing, but by being. It is not something to be manufactured, nor is it a mere question of imitation. A flower may be imitated, but we can always tell an artificial flower. Drummond compares a Christian and a mortalist to a living organismand a crystal. The crystal does not grow, it increases by accretions fromwithout. The living organism grows vitally from within. The Christian works from the center to the circumference, the moralist from the circumference to the center. Holiness works from the heart to the surface. It is the outcome of Christ’s own indwelling. When the apostle said, “Christ liveth in me,” he meant more than the mere fact of Christ’s presence — he meant that his life and service were the direct outcome of the unhindered working of Christ’s indwelling. As the very life of the vine itself is in the branch, so Christ would live in us and manifest Himself in our mortal bodies to those around us.
Some writer has said, “If the graces of the Spirit are within us, they will sometimes look out of the
windows,” and if Christ really dwells in our hearts, it will not be long before He will be seen and felt
in our thoughts, words and actions. As He lived we will live, as He ministered to others we will
minister, as He was patient, thoughtful, unselfish, and kind, so will we be. We are to manifest in our
daily walk that the very life of the Lord Jesus, which was poured out for us, has been communicated
to us. “Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might
be made manifest in our body.” Our life, measured by every standard of human measurement, may be very poor, weak and insufficient, but if Christ’s life flows into us and through us, we shall not fail to
make some contribution towards the accomplishment of His blessed purposes of love and mercy to a fallen world. With our feet we shall then run errands of mercy, with our lips we shall tell of His love and faithfulness, with our hands we shall do deeds of kindness and tenderness; our whole being shall be employed in scattering blessings of helpfulness and gladness all about us.”
Along with this, let us look at Phil 2:5-11>>>
“Phl 2:5 ¶ Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
Phl 2:6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
Phl 2:7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:
Phl 2:8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
Phl 2:9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:
Phl 2:10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of [things] in heaven, and [things] in earth, and [things] under the earth;
Phl 2:11 And [that] every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ [is] Lord, to the glory of God the Father. ”
So we see that it is far more than just imitating the life of Jesus Christ by our following His teachings in our human strength and understanding. It is us ceasing to live for ourselves (as it says in Gal 2:20) and allowing Jesus HIMSELF to live HIS VERY LIFE in and THROUGH US on this earth that brings us to the place of LIVING LIKE JESUS.
We could discuss many more verses that all say similar things, but the point is this>>>>
It is NOT what WE think that matters. WHAT IS TRUE, what really matters is>>>> WHAT DOES GOD SAY?
If the very life of Jesus Christ is NOT being manifested thru us, then we have a job to do. That being, denying ourselves, taking up our crosses (this means laying down our wants, desires, abilities, possessions, RIGHTS, our knowledge, our understandings, our doctrines, EVERYTHING) and then of truly following in the very footsteps of Jesus Christ, living on this earth just as HE lived, as it says in I John 2:6.
If anyone thinks they can do that in their own strength and understanding, then perhaps they need to seek the Lord on their face until He reveals Himself to them.
I pray we all would com eto the place of utter desperation and submission to Him in ALL things, then we will be able to ENTER HIS REST, ceasing from our own labors and allowing Him to live His life thru us, doing the very same things in and thru us as He did while He lived on the earth Himself.
May the Lord reveal Himself to us all as HE truly is!
a bondslave in Christ Jesus, Dirk
An atheist was spending a quiet day fishing when suddenly his boat was attacked by the Loch Ness monster. In one easy flip, the beast tossed him and his boat high into the air. Then it opened its mouth to swallow both.
As the man sailed head over heels, he cried out, “Oh, my God! Help me!”
At once, the ferocious attack scene froze in place, and as the atheist hung in mid-air, a booming voice came down from the clouds, “I thought you didn’t believe in Me!”
“Come on God, give me a break!!” the man pleaded. “Two minutes ago I didn’t believe in the Loch Ness monster either!”
In response to the question of what does it mean to live like Jesus I will respond this way……..Jesus never intended for anyone to live like Him as He knew that was impossible for any human being to do. What He taught in the four gospels were simply showing that it was impossible to keep those things He was saying and He was showing all of us the total impossibility of ever achieving the things He said. We must remember that Jesus was born under the law, lived under the law, died under the law and also died WITH the law as the law had become flesh. What He was doing in the 4 gospels was simply showing the people that all the laws that were written were impossible to keep and He was expounding on them to show just that…the impossibility of ever being successful in achieving anything apart from what He was about to do.
The first thing we are to do if we are to live like Him is sell all we have, if your eye has ever offended you pluck it out, if you have ever lusted then you are an adulterer, if you have been mad at anyone you are a murderer and the list goes on and on. I am sure you get the picture. Also remember if one law was broken then you had broken all 613 of them. (Only ten were written but there were actually 613)
He made it clear in Hebrews chapter 6:1 that we are to leave the doctrines of Christ behind. What?? Leave His doctrines behind and continue on to perfection? Obviously His doctrines could not make anyone perfect so He told them to leave them behind and go on to perfection. To go on to perfection is to leave the whole law behind (doctrines of Christ because He taught the law) and go on to perfection (resting in what He did for us because it was impossible for us to do) It also talks in that section of the Bible that we are to leave the milk (trying to live under any rule or law) and go on to meat (understanding that perfection only comes because of what Jesus has done and not anything that I can do. He calls it leaving aside dead works which is what this is…trying to live like Jesus is dead works as it can never ever be accomplished. All you will get is frustration, burn out, discouragement because you are trying to do something that is totally impossible. And furthermore He made it clear we are to leave what He taught behind and go on to what He did for us and none of it through our own efforts.
I will close with this….if you try to live like Jesus and you are succeeding in a few areas, I garantee you that it is just a matter of time before you fail in this journey of trying to do something that is impossible to do. He never expected us to live like Him. He taught in the gospels to show us that it was an impossibility but He also told them that He was going to do it for them. I have many more teachings and comments on my blog regarding this but I don’t want to take up too much of your space here. I am not sure if it is appropriate to put my blog address here so I wont until somene tells me it is ok.
Thanks…..in His Grace and Peace!
Ah Dear Roy,
You have made the mistake so many make in assuming WE are to do what only Christ Jesus can do.
If indeed the scriptures are true, then Gal 2:20 must also be true. If Christ Jesus lives HIS life in and thru us, how can He fail?
There is no complete regeneration of the NEW CREATION in the lives of so many today. II Cor 5:17 CAN BE AN EXPERIENTIAL REALITY in our lives. If it is NOT, it is NOT the fault of the gospel or of Jesus Christ who promised He came so that we could cease from sin. Nor is it that we have misunderstood what II Cor 5:17 says. It is quite plain and is in total agreement with John 8:31-36 and all of I John.
“1Jo 3:6 No one who abides in Him [who lives and remains in communion with and in obedience to Him–deliberately, knowingly, and habitually] commits (practices) sin. No one who [habitually] sins has either seen or known Him [recognized, perceived, or understood Him, or has had an experiential acquaintance with Him].
1Jo 3:7 Boys (lads), let no one deceive and lead you astray. He who practices righteousness [who is upright, conforming to the divine will in purpose, thought, and action, living a consistently conscientious life] is righteous, even as He is righteous.
1Jo 3:8 [But] he who commits sin [who practices evildoing] is of the devil [takes his character from the evil one], for the devil has sinned (violated the divine law) from the beginning. The reason the Son of God was made manifest (visible) was to undo (destroy, loosen, and dissolve) the works the devil [has done].
1Jo 3:9 No one born (begotten) of God [deliberately, knowingly, and habitually] practices sin, for God’s nature abides in him [His principle of life, the divine sperm, remains permanently within him]; and he cannot practice sinning because he is born (begotten) of God.
1Jo 3:10 By this it is made clear who take their nature from God and are His children and who take their nature from the devil and are his children: no one who does not practice righteousness [who does not conform to God’s will in purpose, thought, and action] is of God; neither is anyone who does not love his brother (his fellow believer in Christ).”
THIS is the gospel and Jesus Christ has done everything that needs to be done for us to live in that state IF we will come to Him in absolute surender and allow Him to truly crucify our self-lives and resurrect His life in us.
a bondslave in Christ Jesus, Dirk
This message is for Augustus. I will pray for you and I pray that what ever has turned you off to Jesus or whomever would not reflect the entire population of believers.We are pretty normal people and I read more books probably than most people.Jesus said in the last days that knowledge would be increased.There is nothing wrong with obtaining knowledge, it is how you use that knowledge.Augustus, if I could say one thing to you it is that Jesus is a wonderful, beautiful spirit and he saved me from a world of alcohol and drugs. If it were not for Jesus talking to my spirit on one particular night than I might not be writing this letter to you right now. I chose to quit the alcohol and drugs but Jesus gives me the strength and grace to still be free of them. I work a normal job day to day only I work for Jesus first and then my boss.Jesus said to do all things with all your might.The bible is the inerrant word of God and there are no discrepencies.I know some would want to believe this to be true but this is not true.The day is going to come when as God said before was like the days of noah when no one would believe him either until it was too late.Please do not be too late.Today is the day of salvation and only he can give the peace in your heart that is needed to truly be happy.I am sorry if someone hurt you in the church or out of the church. I experience this same thing because we have to realize that christians are far from perfect and yes we do a lot of ignorant things.Especially not noticing someone hurting right in front of us.I will pray for you Augustus and I truly mean that. Please know there are real christians out here who really do care and care about your eternity.Jesus was a hard working carpenter who built not only with his hands but with his heart.Would you just consider learning a little about his word?Love In Jesus Christ of Nazereth
To All Concerned and Especially to Alicia Tunby,
Unlike Jesus, I have returned from vacation.
This will be my last post on this website out of respect for Daniel and livelikejesus.com, as I do not wish to make this website some kind of launching pad for my own religious ideas. Those who wish to write me can do so at augustus_invictus@hotmail.com, but I will not respond any further to comments on this page.
As for your prayers, I am both thankful and insulted. Your intent, in your own minds, I suppose, is that I should be spared from an eternity of darkness and separation from God. In Truth, I wish for nothing with greater passion than that separation, and I myself am more capable of providing for my own well-being and knowledge than some invisible vagabond father-figure who wishes for my enslavement to his principles. I’m sure it has never been put to you in these terms, but giving your heart to Jesus is no different than selling your soul to the Devil, only that the rewards are different. Either way, you perform their will, not your own, and it is despicable.
And Alicia, the fact that Jesus helped you get over your problem with drugs and alcohol only means you were too weak to do it yourself. Contrary to popular opinion, there are plenty of people who use drugs that do not become addicted, and some of those who do become addicted can relieve themselves of
this dependence independent from the nuissance of Jesus.
Also, Alicia, no one hurt me at church. The revolt of my Reason and Intellect keep me from going. You seem to think that everyone’s relationship to religion is based on some personal event that happened in younger life, when in fact this is an invention of presesnt-day evangelical Protestantism. Why don’t you ask Jim, the intellectually sound gentleman who posted a reply to my above comment, why he adheres to Christianity. I can guarantee you that his reasons differ from yours greatly.
Also, Alicia, there ARE contradictions in the Bible, whether you wish to admit it or not. I am actually about to publish a book with all of them listed in black and white. So as for your assumption that I have no knowledge of the Bible, let us throw that out the window.
Also, Alicia, as for trying Jesus, I was baptized when I was twelve, of my own volition. It was upon reading the Bible for myself and not blindly adhering to what the preachers taught that I realized what nonsense the Bible truly was- and I was only 13. And that is why it absolutely flabberghasts me that grown men and women actually believe in pearly gates and some Supreme Creator who cares one iota about our day-to-day welfare, without Whom we would be in absolute chaos.
And lastly, Alicia, if the Apocalypse does indeed come, as the Great Flood in the days of Noah, I will die in my conviction that if God did exist, I would despise him all the more.
Once again, this is my last post on this site out of respect for the website and for Daniel, so please send all prayers and hate-mail to augustus_invictus@hotmail.com. I will respond to as many as possible. Thank you for your time and thoughtful responses.
Augustus Sol Invictus
Dear Augustus,
First of all, I am so sorry that I have angered you in such a manner.I will not however apologize for what I said which is the truth.Romans 1:18-25 says “For the wrath of god is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; ” Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. ” For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse;” Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. “Professing themselves to be Wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. ” Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleaness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves: “Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen
Also, the most obvious scripture the lord spoke, was psalm 14:1 which says “The Fool hath said in his heart there is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.Now Augustus, you have been given a choice and it is your right to choose this day whom you will serve.I believe you have and I feel very sad for you because there will be a very big gulf fixed between us one day rest assured.You are right that I was weak in my drug and alcohol addiction but when I was weak,Jesus made me strong.I prayed for you today and I will continue to that you would come to the knowledge of the truth and soon.Today is the day of salvation.
Bwana asifiwe sana. (Praise God).
Living like Jesus Christ means Just like Jesus did, we give up all that we have of the world and live for God.
Our only reason of existance in this world should be God.
That is to let the Holy Spirit lead us in everything that we do.
God bless you all.
Living like Jesus means to me - to be able to answer this question
“who do you say I am” - words recorded as spoken by Jesus.
My answer is “You are THE Lord, the Son of the Living God” -and knowing that this is THE TRUTH - that with Almighty God’s help and Powered by His Holy Spirit, I can live a life of Love for all MANKIND wow that’s a big ask -
I became a christian in 1990 when a sister of my preached the gosple to me.Since that time my life has been changed .I have found out that living like JESUS is like coming out from a pool of hot water.Its also real that to live like JESUS is to learn to set your foot to HEAVEN and knowing the truth and overcoming the devil.
to live like jesus is simply to always strive to act the way you expect jesus to act in any given situation ofour lives for intance if someone step on your toes without opologising you will ask yourself if it was jesus toes that was step on what will he do will he forgive, ignore or get angry and figth?.
to act like jesus means that we must be close to our bible to know how we are to act in every situation.if you step on jesus toes he will say like he did on the cross “father forgive him for he knows not what he is doing” .it is not easy but that is what it means to live like jesus
i will like to know u people more than this.
what is happening in your area
Hi omowunni,
I am from NC in a small town called New Bern. Where are you from? I live about 45 minutes from the beach. I live in the country which I love because it is so beautiful. Not much happens out here other than my feeding two stray cats everyday before and after work. That and going to our local church for worship and praise. Tell us a little about yourself.
hi there
I am from Albania (Europe, I hope you know where it is on the map). I was reading the comments about living as Jesus did. For the albanians the idea of a christian is still something new so the belivers here has a lot of work to do. We have small churces and most of the beliver are youth people. I have finished uiversity this year. In my town of birth we don’t have a churce, so you can imagine how hard it can bee.
Hi Saje,
I know where Albania is. I use to work for a Croatian and boy could he cook! We are so blessed here in America to have what we have and so many times it goes sooo unappreciated.I hope you have a bible. Do you? If not then I would love to send you one if I can. I am so sorry there is not a church for you to worship nearby. I know you said that there are other small groups that are mainly youth groups. If you have a bible saje and where two or three are gathered together then the Lord Jesus is in the midst of you. In other words, you are the congregation.If you do not have a bible than let me know how I can send you one so you can have at least small study groups with others such as yourself.
With the love of Jesus Of Naazereth,
Alicia Tunby
for me to live like jesus u\is to live our life exactly the way he has told us to live in the bible . he has showed us hw to live .he is the role model for us
Wow is all i can say about JESUS.
I have been delivered from drugs, alcohol, gambling, womanizing, deceit and a host of other demons. Augustus I will pray for you that JESUS CHRIST WILL PRICK YOUR HEART THAT YOU MAY KNOW TRUE PEACE.
To live like Jesus is to live by faith…the righteous person lives by faith,,,,without FAITH it is IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE GOD.FAITH COMES BY HEARING AND HEARING BY THE WORD OF GOD, GOD BLESS YOU ALL
God knew that we could never live to be like God from the beginning of time. , that is why he made plans for his only begotten son to come to earth and take our sins upon himself so that we could believe and have everlasting life. thankyou God
I strongly disagree with the comments someone by the name of Roy made, who said that Jesus only commanded us things that were impossible for us to follow. That makes no sense at all. No, Jesus gave his teachings becuase he knows that it is actually POSSIBLE to follow them. Even 1 John 5:3 says that.
I guess the reason I am bringing this up is because living like Jesus to me means following his teachings. How can we say we believe in Jesus if we don’t believe anything he taught?
Dear Pastors,
Greeting to you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, before 12 year ago i recieved Lord Jesus Christ as a my saviour and now i have become the Pastor and good sheep of God.
I want to live for Jesus Christ and die in Christ, my life is for Jesus Christ.
I want to give message to every one as a servant of God, Please give yourself to Lord Jesus Christ and prepare yourself for the Kingdom of God.
God bless all of you
Pastor Stephen JOhn
From Pakistan
Thanks for offering me space to comment on live like Jesus. May I say that, (a) if we are followers of Jesus, and once we have accepted him as our Lord and Saviour, we have to do the will of God his Father and perform like Jesus who came to this world, (b) we have to accept and thank God for what we are and (c) appreciate all what God is doing for us everyday.
Thanks and God bless.
Sennia Santa
When Jesus was living on Earth,He kept saying that He did not come to do His will but His Father’s will.To live like Jesus is simply to do the will of God.His Word tells us what His will is.God desires that we become like Him, in Holiness and Character.Peter the disciple tells us to be Holy and Perfect just like our Father,GOD, is perfect. The greatest commandment like Jesus put it is to Love God above everything else.The second is equally great,that we love others like ourselves.To learn to live like Jesus will take our entire lifetime.But when we see Jesus,we will be made perfect just like He is perfect.
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I know every one is a part of God and also a Sun of God. Shine on like Jesus. Light up the world. Thank you for further confirmation of my knowledge.
Live like Jesus and know.
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
I believe that to live like JESUS is to live as a citizen of HIS kingdom. He is our King. He is our Saviour. He is our Liberator. He strengthens us to follow Him. He is the vine and we are the branches.How we follow Him is the work of the Holy Spirit . Be humble in our every effort, with prayer and supplication. Trust in our most loving friend LORD JESUS.
Very useful and informative blog. Recommended for all to see.
To live like Jesus would mean to say no to war and to refuse to take a human life for any reason. Forgive all and love everybody, even your enemies like the Taliban and Al Quaida.
Maybe love-real AGAPE love- is the answer to the “war on terror”, not the rantings of a spiritual apostate like George W. Bush and the American churches
It means to Live Like Him , on Him . . . and for Him .
It’s difficult, but not unachievable !
Bye friends . . .
To live like Jesus, means to follow his teachings..and to ask him for the strength to do so, if we are lacking…. to be able to hear what he says, and to apply it, to every situation that we find ourselves in… to trust in his righteousness, and not in our own, to continue to trust, even when things don’t go our way, to take up our cross (the burdens we find ourselves under) daily, and follow him… whether it feels good or not… whether it makes sense to our natural man.. or not… most of the time, if we are following him, we are going against the grain…of everything around us, for his is an upside down kingdom… his ways are higher than our ways…and our spirit is willing but our flesh is weak… sometimes… when we come up against certain things that his word tells us to do… those are the times.. that we have to decide… am I willing to go all the way?? or is this just too much??? Many disciples turned back when the way got to rough… but. the word is clear… my soul has no pleasure in them…..there is a price that we pay, to follow him… and that is our self will… has to lay its self down.. at the feet of his cross…. and allow him to have his way.. in us… sometimes we cry out in agony.. I can’t do this… but.. then.. he will come to us in the still of the night… and whisper… yes.. you can… I will help you…Leave this behind… and follow me….
WE love you Jesus… and we thank you for allowing us entrance into your kingdom… thank you for teaching us your way, and for helping us to stand… for forgiving us when we are wrong… and for shining your light thru us… for others to see.. help us to find and follow your will… regardless of what the cost may be… use us for your glory…. and deliver us from evil…. speak thru us… and do your work on earth… use our hands, our eyes, our hands, our bodies…. and our resources… for your glory… only what we do for you, will remain.. all else will be burned to stubble….and we believe that the day fast approaches… help us to be found worthy, help us to reach as many as possible for you… as the day grows darker and darker… around us… help us to not faint.. but… to keep on keeping on… with you by our side…. help us to love one another…. and forgive one another… there must be a difference found in us.. we cannot look and act like the world… You need to be seen in us… Shine Jesus… Shine….lead us into those places where your love needs to be shown.. give us the courage.. to follow your lead…teach us how to be successfull for you… in leading souls to you….help that to be our main goal…. and second to that, is to love the brethren… as ourselves… help us to love the unlovely…feed the hungry… both in body and in spirit… we have the power to turn this world upside down for you… overnight.. if we would all pull together.. instead of bickering and fussing over minor points… while the world looks on and shakes its head… deliver us from an argumentative spirit… and help us to come together, as one.. as you and the Father are one… this was very important to you, as it is one of the last prayers that you prayed, before leaving earth… but.. it has yet.. to come to pass… could this be the generation… that chooses to make this a priority… could this be the generation that causes the walls of seperatism to come down… and allow us to be one body.. one mind… and one accord…..??? Why is this so hard… Are we full of pride… is that it??? We all want the best seat in the house…??? WE want our name first on the list…. our church to be the biggest… and best known… when… it is not our church to begin with.. it is yours… and we are only there to help point others to you…. and to serve… those that come…. instead of us serving the church… the church (us) should serve those that come… instead we ask them to serve… us… I think we have it backwards… let us turn it rightside up…like you taught us… that we are to wash others feet… let us be about the Fathers business……… Amen…
May God bless the church in Albania.. and cause it to grow.. may he be found in spirit in each one of the believers… and may they know what preciousness has come to their country….help them to be strong.. even if they are small in number…pour out your spirit on them, Lord, bless them and keep them in the palm of your hand.. Amen
Father God… I pray for Augustus…Lord, I have never heard a more pompous individual… but, you have brought kings to their knees.. and I ask that you do the same for him… bring down the haughtiness… and the pomp… just like you say in your word.. over and over you have done this.. when an individual rises so high in their thinking and when they consider themselves to be greater than their creator… forgive him of this.. but.. bring him to his knees.. in humbleness..of spirit… and heart.. that he may be saved… he knows not of what he speaks.. his heart is hardened… by pride and deceit… he is blinded by his foolishness… deliver him from the evil that is within… In Jesus name..
I pray… Amen..
Thank you Lord… for this board… and bless it to the use of your service… Amen…
Adolphus, Ky USA
thank god i love jesus
good story I love jesus
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